Moving on

It’s official: I’m moving on.

From WordPress. I’m pulling this blog off of WordPress to its own website, the fabulous and amazing…


Hoorah, hoorah, hooray.

What does this mean? Well, this is the last post I’ll be making here on WordPress. So say goodbye. Also, if you’re subscribed to my WordPress account, go subscribe to the new website instead!

The new site will feature the blog, the podcast, and a whole new community of adventurers who have a passion for living each day to remember.

All in all, this move will be amazing. I hope to accomplish so much more with the new site, from the weekly blog posts to some amazing podcasts featuring even more amazing people. And who knows? Maybe more. For now, however, head on over there and check out the new adventures I’ll be having.


Walking challenge

I’m currently in the process of setting up photos to show at my favorite coffeehouse for the month of March. If you live in Modesto or are going to be in the area anytime in the next four weeks, head by Preservation Coffee & Tea on J Street to check out my photos and get some great coffee!

In light of that busy stuff, it completely slipped my mind to post this yesterday, so if you were looking for the weekend post, I apologize that I did not get it up yesterday! Here it is now.

If you’ve been following my posts the last few weeks, I’ve been talking a lot about walking. Taking a walk to work or school or coffee instead of driving is something that seems very inconvenient to us in our fast-paced world of Pandora-fueled drives and carpooling, but it is something that has revolutionized my time. I look forward to the times I take to slow down and walk, because they allow me to experience the world so much as my own person in ways I never have before.

So I’ve challenged you to take a walk, and today I’d like to challenge you to show me where you’ve walked. Take a picture of what you discover, and email it to me, or send me the link to the website for the bookstore you stumbled into but never knew was there. Tag me in your Instagram post of the selfie you took with the man and his dog that walk that road every day. Whatever it is, whoever you are, wherever you are, I want to see it.

Send me stuff anytime between now, and March 14th, and I’ll feature the best/most creative/most outgoing submissions on that day’s blog post.

Show us where you walk!


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Why you should spend some time alone

I’m putting out a call for artists, writers, photographers, filmographers, general wanderers…people with a vision to live for today, and build a future to remember. I know I’m being vague, but if you want to turn your sense of adventure into art, music, words, whatever it is you do – or if that’s what you already do – message me! Trust me; it’s worth getting involved.

A couple weeks ago, I wrote about taking a normal part of your life that you drive, and walk it instead of driving. You can read the post here, which went into a little bit of depth about the small space of time that walking provides, and the breath of discovery with which it will fill your lungs. You’ll find new things, maybe meet new people, and definitely enjoy the whiz of cars as they rush past you at your gentle walking pace.

There is, however, one thing that perhaps seems a downside to taking time to walk: you will probably be walking alone. ALONE is a fairly scary word to most of us. It seems we dread it, and I think even the extreme introvert would suffer being truly without other humans. The presence of other people is something we were meant to crave, and the fulfillment we get from being part of a community – even if it’s just one other person – is entirely satisfying…possibly even relaxing. And even as you walk, you won’t be alone. You’ll have your phone, or your iPod for music, or the knowledge that someone wants you, and those are all great, incredible things to have.

There is, however, a difference between the aloneness you experience in the few minutes you could take to walk to work, and another feeling that you may have experienced when someone else leaves you; abandoned. When another person, or several other people, leave you behind or desert you, that is when you feel truly alone; abandoned, deceived, betrayed, deserted, forsaken, jilted. I know there are probably some of you who have never felt this way, but for the majority of people, I feel safe to say you have felt with some strength an aloneness that only comes when a person you trust, rely on, or love just…leaves. It’s the only aloneness that really matters, isn’t it? That, I think, is the aloneness that we all fear, because in that aloneness, we are left with nothing but ourselves. When someone abandons you, you are suddenly hit with the fact that you are a solitary person by yourself. And that is scary.

But let me be one to challenge that fear, and say that aloneness, in spite of how hurtful and horrifying it is, can actually be a good thing. If you took my challenge to go for a walk, you may have noticed some things that are hardly present in the rest of life: your own thoughts. Your thoughts on the life around you, the whizzing cars and the people you passed and the sounds. So much can be experienced through a single sound, and being alone really helps you to experience each and every sound, thought, and emotion on your own and – more importantly – as your own.

In my experience of abandonment, when someone leaves you, you’re left with just those thoughts. There is the pain of betrayal, but there is also the opportunity to truly explore who you are, and what you think. Without the presence of another individual, the world becomes your own as you view it. If you went for a walk, you probably felt a little bit of this; when I walked to work the other day, I felt the cold swish of air with each passing car, and the different textures of the concrete sidewalk, and the smells of the donut shop that ended up luring me into its doors. While I may have experienced these things had I been walking with someone else, I don’t think I would have attached myself to them so prominently had I not been completely alone.


So let me leave you with a challenge: next time you are abandoned, embrace it. Feel what it’s like to be alone, without people, living life and adventuring by yourself, and remember that feeling. You may have to push through some pain, but the knowledge of yourself and a love the world around you will be so rewarding. In fact, double-challenge: not only should you walk to work tomorrow, but you should walk to work the day after that person abandons you, and every day after that…just so you can begin each day as your own person, with your own world of cars and concrete sidewalks and donut shops in which you can thrive.

Even if it means you thrive alone.


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